Poplar Grove, Illinois


Poplar Grove located in , Other And Boone counties. Poplar Grove located in zip zode 60165 and 61065. There is a 3.61 month (s) supply of inventory on the market in Poplar Grove on Jan 31, 2025.
The average market time for a Single Family Homes to sell in Poplar Grove last month was 46 days. The number of home sales in Poplar Grove from January 1, 2025 through January 31, 2025 was 7 units. That is 1% above the number of homes sold last month in Poplar Grove. The average price per square foot in the area is now $131/Sq.Ft, which is 14% an increase from last month.
In Poplar Grove there were 5 units sold in January in the price range between $195,000 - $243,393 with an average of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and average Square footage of 1,398SF.
In Poplar Grove there were 1 units sold in January where price is from $243,394 with an average of 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms and average Square footage of 3,730SF.
In Poplar Grove there were 1 units sold in January where price is from $430,893 with an average of 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and average Square footage of 3,172SF.
The low price range had the most activity. Homes up to $243,393 were on the market on average 42 days and sold an average of $215,800.
Homes for sale under 100K
Homes for sale under 200K
Homes for sale under 300K

New For Sale in Subdivision Poplar Grove

Address Beds Baths Sq.Ft. Price
206 Park 3 1 918 ft2 $127K
237 Rochester 3 2 1,273 ft2 $160K
444 Live Oak 3 2 1,803 ft2 $323K
120 Meadow 3 2 1,700 ft2 $366K
206 Cress Creek 3 2 1,797 ft2 $382K
12790 Il Route 76 4 2 1,502 ft2 $675K
4446 Countryside Estates 2 2 1,448 ft2 $140K
508 Pembroke 3 2 1,440 ft2 $265K